RoboCup 2018 is over and it has been a thrilling tournament for the Falcons team.

The Falcons became fifth out of five, let that be no secret. But let us focus on the highlights this tournament:

  • We have proven the feasibility of the multicam concept. We have been praised to bring such a novelty to the tournament.
  • We have demonstrated the ability to integrate multicam hardware and software (including calibration software) in just a few months. A record time.
  • We trained on a field with 2017 dimensions (18 x 12 meters). The tournament was on a field with 2018 dimensions (22 x 14 meters). The transition was seamless.
  • We improved ball handling and dynamic gameplay.
  • We achieved the second place in the technical challenge.
  • We achieved the third place in the scientific/engineering challenge.

Being a relatively young team, we are proud to have achieved the above results.